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Disaster Hazard Maps (PDF and interactive)

To provide the most current version of the hazard map this page will act as an explanation for the Japanese page made by the Disaster Prevention Division.


The current maps have been made based on data assembled by the Prefecture as of March 2020 and newer data.

This page contains the newest versions of the hazard maps of the Hyuga Area.


The first map is for areas at risk of flooding and landslides.

The second map covers tsunami risk.

the third is a link to an interactive map with a QR code for smartphone access.


Here is a direct link to the interactive map:


The blue button that says 水害 leads to maps for potential flooding and resevoir ruptures.

The brown button that says 土砂災害 leads to the map for potential landslide areas.

The purple button that says 津波 leads to the map for potential tsunami damage

The red button that says 地震 leads to the map for earthquake intensities for the largest predicted earthquake.

担当課 総合政策部 地域コミュニティ課
所在地 〒883-8555 宮崎県日向市本町10番5号
電話 0982-66-1005
FAX 0982-54-8747
メール kyoudou@hyugacity.jp