English Information

English News

Update Day : 2022年6月9日

The Official Lists of Evacuation Centers and Shelters

To find evacuation centers for after a natural disaster please check the linked Japanese page by the Disaster Prevention Division.



The table linked above is split by region of the city on the left-most column. The next column is the designated number of each facility. The third column is name for the name for each place.

The next three columns show which disasters apply to which place. (Tsunami, flood, and landslide, in order)

The last column is for the address.

The easiest ways to search the list is to find (ctrl + F) your region of the city and crosscheck with the hazard map.

A circle () shows that the facility is safe to use for that kind of disaster. The city will post more information on the website in japanese when a disaster occurs.

A triangle () shows that in certain situations this facility may not be used, or that the upper floors of a facility must be used to remain safe. (for example: flooding may mean that the lower floors of a building or the gymnasium of a school cannot be used.) 

An (X) shows that the facility cannot be used in the event of that kind of disaster, so please use a different one near you.


Like the table above, the links below list temporary shelters by region of the city.

The next link shows temporary evacuation shelters in case of a tsunami


the next link is a list of temporary evacuation shelters in case of an earthquake



担当課 総合政策部 地域コミュニティ課
所在地 〒883-8555 宮崎県日向市本町10番5号
電話番号 0982-66-1005
FAX番号 0982-54-8747
メールアドレス kyoudou@hyugacity.jp